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Studies: E-Cigarette Regulations Hinder Public Health Goals

Posted by ECigaVapeUSA on 9/29/2014 to E-Cigarette News
Despite various legislative efforts to curb smoking — ranging from higher sin taxes on tobacco to public-relations campaigns intended to discourage the use of e-cigarettes — smoking rates have consistently risen in New York City.

Tobacco use in the city’s population has steadily crept upward in the city for three straight years, increasing from 14 percent in 2010 to 16.1 percent in 2013. City officials are quick to cite a decrease in funding for anti-smoking programs as a root cause, but public policy researchers disagree with bureaucrats’ diagnosis.

Drunken Sailors

The lack of correlation between spending on anti-tobacco programs and results is not due to a lack of effort, according to National Center for Public Policy Research Senior Fellow Jeff Stier.

Some of the government programs cited as part of the city’s all-out efforts to discourage tobacco use include significant restrictions on the placement of tobacco displays, free nicotine gum and patch giveaways, and some of the highest sin-tax rates in the nation.

E-Cig Users Question Bans Despite Unknowns

Posted by ECigaVapeUSA on 9/29/2014 to E-Cigarette News
DELAND — Cigarettes had a suffocating grip on Alex Schelb.

The Stetson University junior, who placed his first Camel Turkish gold to his lips only two years ago, would gasp for air running on a treadmill or huff and puff ascending the smallest flights of stairs.

Schelb, 20, turned to electronic cigarettes and soon enough, vaping, as it is called, was working. He was able to exercise longer and save money.

“I haven't had a problem with smoking an e-cig,” Schelb said during a recent phone call. “I've never heard a complaint about it. I've never heard anyone say, 'Don't blow that smoke toward me.' Nobody really cares.”

But when Stetson changed its tobacco policy in August, administrators indicated they do care.

The school announced that using tobacco products on campus was no longer allowed. Students like Schelb were surprised the policy also included electronic cigarettes.

To Vape or Not to Vape? The E-Cigarette Debate

Posted by ECigaVapeUSA on 9/23/2014 to E-Cigarette News
The vaping debate is characterized by confusion and contradiction - but those who have converted to e-cigarettes seem convinced.

The World Health Organisation this month insisted that e-cigarettes should be banned from use indoors because the risk to third parties was too great. 

The health body's decision to weigh in on the vaping debate has added further confusion to what is already a cloudy issue. 

While many highly-respected groups have sounded warning bells over vaping, there is also a vociferous health lobby rallying against over-regulation, arguing that getting smokers to switch to e-cigarettes could actually save lives.

The UK-based anti-smoking charity QUIT was among the high-profile voices raised in protest at WHO's call for a ban.

It cited university studies that prove those who have never smoked are extremely unlikely to use e-cigarettes - despite EU and WHO assertions to the contrary.

"Evidence does not support the view that e-cigarettes are undermining tobacco control," the study added.

Also quick to criticize WHO's call for a blanket ban was Professor Ann McNeill of King's College London's Institute of Psychiatry.

In response to the study, Prof McNeill stated: "Although e-cigarette vapor may be an irritant to people in close proximity to the e-cigarette user, there is no evidence of harm from other people inhaling e-cigarette vapor - unlike the known risks of second-hand cigarette smoke. There is also, as yet, no evidence that e-cigarettes are renormalisng smoking."

Medically referred to as Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (Ends), e-cigarettes release a nicotine-infused vapor - but, significantly, they contain no tobacco or tar.

Study Advising Against E-Cigarette Use in Cancer Patients Called Into Question

Posted by ECigaVapeUSA on 9/23/2014 to E-Cigarette News
The study found that patients smoking electronic and regular cigarettes were equally or less likely to have quit than patients not smoking e-cigarettes. But some scientists think the research is biased.

The fierce debate over whether e-cigarettes can help people quit smoking took another twist on Monday as a research paper on their use by cancer patients was criticized as flawed.

The study of cancer patients who smoke found that those using e-cigarettes as well as tobacco cigarettes were more nicotine dependent and equally or less likely to have quit than those who didn't use e-cigarettes.

The scientists behind the research, which was published online in Cancer, the journal of the American Cancer Society, said their results raised doubts about whether e-cigarettes had any benefit in helping cancer patients to give up smoking.

But that conclusion was questioned by other tobacco and addiction researchers, who said the selection of patients for the study had given it an inherent bias.

The uptake of e-cigarettes, which use battery-powered cartridges to produce a nicotine-laced vapor for the "smoker" to inhale, has rocketed in the past two years, but there is fierce debate about their potential risks and benefits.

E-cigarettes Study Proving Ineffectiveness Considered Flawed

Posted by ECigaVapeUSA on 9/22/2014 to E-Cigarette News
E-cigarettes got really popular in the last couple of years, while smoking rates decreased in the last decade in the U.S. People turn to this new method of keeping their nicotine dependence under control while attempting to avoid inhaling the other dangerous substances contained by regular cigarettes.

Because e-cigarettes are a recent occurrence, there are not enough studies concerning their effects. One main question is if e-cigarettes actually help smokers improve their health or, at least, diminish the effects of smoking cigarettes. The World Health Organization recommended banning the indoor use of e-cigarettes and banning the sale to minors, similarly to classical cigarettes. Advertising to minors should be forbidden as well.

E-cigarettes Underutilized For Smoking Cessation

Posted by ECigaVapeUSA on 9/22/2014 to E-Cigarette News
E-cigarettes underutilized for smoking cessation

If you identify yourself as a smoker, chances are you don’t want to.

In fact, roughly 68 percent of adult smokers say they want to quit, according to the CDC. So why don’t they? Anyone who’s struggled with the habit can tell you – quitting is no easy task. It’s no wonder the American Cancer Society reports that only 4 to 7 percent of people are able to successfully quit the habit without medication or other help. But even so, the current smoking cessation products that are out there leave much to be desired.

Enter the e-cigarette. These battery-operated devices generate inhalable vapor, some of which contain nicotine. According to Noah Minskoff, M.D., a doctor who works in the biotechnology and healthcare fields, they could change the smoking cessation game – if the current models were up to par, that is.

E-Cigarettes Do Not Help Lower Nicotine Dependency Among Cancer Patients

Posted by ECigaVapeUSA on 9/22/2014 to E-Cigarette News
Electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes are promoted as smoking cessation aids, even though the FDA has not approved them as a safe or effective method to help quit smoking. This year, the FDA has proposed regulating e-cigarettes for the first time. Although the use of e-cigarettes is rising among teens and adults, its risks remain unknown.

E-cigarettes are highlighted as a safer alternative to tobacco, but the latest peer-reviewed journal revealed that cancer patients who smoke, using e-cigarettes along with traditional cigarettes are more likely to be nicotine dependent and are less likely to quit smoking traditional cigarettes when compared to the non-users.

The latest finding brings to light the doubts centered around the potential benefits of e-cigarettes to help cancer patients give up smoking.

Cigarette-Like Inhaler Licensed for Prescription

Posted by ECigaVapeUSA on 9/19/2014 to E-Cigarette News
A nicotine inhaler which resembles a cigarette has been licensed as a medicine in the UK. 

‘Voke’, which was created by British American Tobacco, can now be provided on prescription to help people stop smoking.  

Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) believe this could “pave the way” for electronic cigarettes to be licensed as well. 

Although no electronic cigarettes have been licensed as a medicine, medical experts agree that they are less harmful than tobacco. 

Study: E-cigarettes ‘Do Not Encourage Child Smoking

Posted by ECigaVapeUSA on 9/19/2014 to E-Cigarette News
A study unveiled today has found no evidence that electronic cigarettes encourage children to take up smoking tobacco. 

Over 4,000 11-18 year olds were surveyed in 2013 and 2014 about their attitudes to smoking and electronic cigarette use. 

The study, revealed for the first time at the Public Health England conference in Coventry found that experimenting with electronic cigarettes is “closely linked” to current smoking habits. 

Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) compiled the data, which was analysed by Public Health England. 

They found that children and young people who were current smokers were more likely to have experimented with e-cigarettes than those who had never smoked. Most regular or occasional e-cigarette users (90%) were already smokers or ex-smokers. 

Most young people (91%) have never tried an electronic cigarette and 2% of children who have not tried tobacco have ever tried an e-cigarette.

There were no children recorded in the study who were regular users of e-cigarettes but had never smoked tobacco. 

Are E-Cigarettes Really Safer Than Regular Cigarettes?

Posted by ECigaVapeUSA on 9/19/2014 to E-Cigarette News
The use of e-cigarettes in the UK has tripled since 2012 and it’s now estimated that 2.1 million people use these electronic devices. An article on the BBC website states that 71% of e-cigarette users are doing so to help them give up smoking and 37% are using them to save money.

The Benefits of E-cigarettes

Many smokers are now starting to use the electronic cigarette as a substitute for the regular variety. If you visit the Phoenix eliquid website you will see that the potential for helping people give up smoking by reducing the nicotine content of the device may make life easier when trying to stop. These devices don’t always contain nicotine and can just be used as a relaxation aid. One of the main benefits of using the nicotine-based variety is that they don’t contain the carcinogenic properties of standard cigarettes.

About us

EcigavapeUSA was founded on the principle of researching the vast array of products offered by the industries of Electronic Cigarettes and Vaporizers so that our store carries only the highest quality products. With a team of professionals and vapor enthusiasts we have diligently tried and tested scores of Electronic cigarettes, e-hookah sticks, e-liquid vaporizers, portable vaporizers, desktop vaporizers, loose leaf and oil vaporizers.

All products listed for sale directly on the ECigaVapeUSA online store are the preferred brands of our in house team and were carefully selected based on quality, performance, reliability, and price. Brands like Allor Vaporizers, Hipnotic Premium Hoohak Sticks, and Zuzi Slim Hookah sticks are among the best disposable & rechargeable electronic cigarettes and hookah sticks we have tested. They are offered here at competitive pricing with free shipping!

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