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E-cigarettes Study Proving Ineffectiveness Considered Flawed

Posted by ECigaVapeUSA on 9/22/2014 to E-Cigarette News
E-cigarettes got really popular in the last couple of years, while smoking rates decreased in the last decade in the U.S. People turn to this new method of keeping their nicotine dependence under control while attempting to avoid inhaling the other dangerous substances contained by regular cigarettes.

Because e-cigarettes are a recent occurrence, there are not enough studies concerning their effects. One main question is if e-cigarettes actually help smokers improve their health or, at least, diminish the effects of smoking cigarettes. The World Health Organization recommended banning the indoor use of e-cigarettes and banning the sale to minors, similarly to classical cigarettes. Advertising to minors should be forbidden as well.

Now a research team performed a study based on data from cancer patients who started smoking e-cigarettes. After looking at more than 1.000 cancer patients who used to smoke regular cigarettes. The patients have been a part of a special program to treat their smoking dependence for one year in 2012-2013. During the treatment period, the percentage of patients using e-cigarettes increased to 38.5 percent, up from 10.6 percent. The results were published in Cancer, the journal of the American Cancer Society.

The results of the study fueled the fears of some experts who believe that e-cigarettes are a gateway to regular cigarettes. The study conducted by Jamie Ostroff of the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City proved that e-cigarettes maintain the nicotine addiction just as well as cigarettes do.

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EcigavapeUSA was founded on the principle of researching the vast array of products offered by the industries of Electronic Cigarettes and Vaporizers so that our store carries only the highest quality products. With a team of professionals and vapor enthusiasts we have diligently tried and tested scores of Electronic cigarettes, e-hookah sticks, e-liquid vaporizers, portable vaporizers, desktop vaporizers, loose leaf and oil vaporizers.

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